All Minnesotans need opportunities for sustainable employment.
我们的国家和地区有着歧视和迫害的历史,导致了系统性和体制性的不公正. 在我们的社会中,有许多认同各种非主流的人忍受着这些不公正, under-resourced and underrepresented groups. These are neighbors with diverse abilities, races, sexual orientations, ages, genders, religions, first languages and more.
Black, Indigenous, 许多世代以来,种族和民族多元化社区都面临着与白人邻居不成比例的逆境. Consequently, we see disparities in educational attainment, employment, income and wealth. Ramsey County has committed to an Economic Competitiveness and Inclusion Plan, prioritizing inclusion and equity in future investments and other actions related to housing, job creation, workforce development and place-based investments.
对于雇主和工作场所来说,认识到并解决组织内歧视和无意识偏见的影响是一项挑战. 需要可行的和独特的战略来满足不同社区和员工的需求. Yet, within these challenges lie tremendous opportunities and benefits for job seekers, employers and our community. 如果我们社区的所有成员都能在繁荣的工作场所获得高质量的工作,真正代表我们地区的多样性, our economy will be stronger. 研究证明,工作场所的多样性会让员工更有创新力,更容易解决问题.
爱博体育手机版下载无与伦比的多样性是该地区增长和繁荣的资产和机会. Ramsey County is the most diverse county in the state with 35.5% of county residents identifying as Black, Indigenous, and racially and ethnically diverse, and an additional 7.5% identifying as Hispanic or Latinx. Additionally, 15.7% of residents are foreign-born and 10.6% speak a language other than English as their predominate language1. 随着年轻人毕业并进入劳动力市场,当地的人才库将继续变得更加多样化.4% of students enrolled in K-12 education in Ramsey County are students of color (54.3% of all school enrollment across Pre-K through graduate school). As our community and workforce grows more diverse, 无论种族如何,工作场所都欢迎并响应这些变化,这对我们来说是必要的,也是有利的, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic status and other diverse backgrounds.
COVID-19 has dramatically shifted the way in which many employers operate, causing workplaces to reconsider and reassess how they work. Regardless of an employer’s sector, size, type, status or whether it’s union or non-union, we have an opportunity to create better systems to recruit, hire, welcome and retain employees more effectively. 该工具包提供了具体的最佳实践,各种规模和行业部门的雇主都可以实施,以创建多元化和包容性的工作场所.
Advancing Equity
In an effort and commitment to address opportunity gaps affecting Ramsey County’s workforce, we recognize:
- Equity is different from equality. 促进公平确保所有需要获得我们提供的机会和服务的人都能得到.
- 公平还承认,不同的社区成员得到了他们茁壮成长所需的独特支持.
- The pursuit of workforce equity acknowledges:
- Ramsey County communities and surrounding area were established on Indigenous land.
- 阻碍基于种族的社区成员获得机会和成功的历史条件、结构和制度障碍, gender or perceived gender, ability, sexual orientation, age, incomes and other social conditions.
- 消除这些阻碍机会的结构性和制度性障碍,需要进行系统性变革,以便公平分配资源, access, information and other support to let people thrive.
The following pages outline several equitable and inclusive best practices. 大多数适用于任何规模和类型的雇主,有些可能更适用于较大的雇主. 所有雇主都可以从这里列出的工具和资源中受益,并鼓励彼此之间以及与爱博体育手机版下载劳动力创新委员会分享额外的资源和最佳实践.
[1] 2021 US Census Bureau 5-Year ACS Data accessed 2.23.2023 at: